Monday, June 4, 2007

Religion? What's That? And God?

What is religion? A way of ife? Wasn't religion created to make humans follow the right path, help distinguish betwee right and wrong? Is that what religion is all about even now? Open the newspaper, switch on the television, and you see incidents of religious wars, communal riots. Everywhere, everyday. There's Israel-Palestine, communal violence in India.....why is it that people have to claim their religion above all others?

I have friends from mnay different religions. As far as I know all religions are essentially the same with regards to teachings. Agreed they are different in the 'god' they choose to follow, they way they worship, but when it comes to values, I don't see major differences in any. The religion people choose to follow is their personal choice. Why create wars over it?

What does it matter whether you are a Hindu, a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew.....we are all humans. Forget just humans, if you believe in God, we are all god's creations, animals and plants included. Why the discrimination? Again belief in a higher being is a matter of choice. I am undecided. I question. I waver between belief and non-belief. No one can tell me to believe in God. In the same way no one can force me to believe that god doesn't exist. The idea of a higher being was created to instil a sense  of fear in people, so that they do not stray. I, personally, do not need to fear a higher being, to follow the right path. It's a case of moral values. I do not claim to have never done wrong in my life. Of course, I have. And I'm sure, staunchly religious people have wronged too.

If God and religion is the cause of wars, I'm sorry to say that both of them have lost their purpose. I'm looking forward to a world where religious tolerance is a reality instead of just a fact on paper. When the religion you follow is not an issue, when you don't have to fill in your religion in a questionnaire. Religion should not come in the way of love. A couple should not be prevented from marriage if they belong to different religions. People should not be forced or even coaxed into conversions. Religion should be a purely personal choice. Preaching your religion on loudspeakers, boasting about your religion to people who follow other faiths should be a thing of the past.

Alas, this is only Utopia.

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